How can Bhyrappa & Co be same as Yedi & Co?

SUNAAD RAGHURAM writes: Parochial thoughts. Narrow-minded pettiness. Divisive ideas that spell acrimonious discord. Ttaking cheap potshots at men and twisting core issues out of proportion. Displaying a reckless and irresponsible …

CHURUMURI IMPACT: A train for R.K. Narayan is delighted to record the renaming (and flagging off) of the daily Mysore-Yeshwanthpur Express between Karnataka’s two premier cities as Malgudi Express, to perpetuate the memory of India’s first …

How we can make Mysore pedestrian-friendly

“TARLE” SUBBA and ARUN PADAKI write: In the documentary, “R.K. Narayan—India’s Chekov“, Narayan leisurely explains, that strolling through its cultural, natural, commercial and social landmarks, and enjoying the life around …


Churumuri is proud and privileged to record that its campaign to secure R.K. NARAYAN his rightful place in our memories has found national, even international recognition. Ramachandra Guha, the historian, …